October - December 2016
Linearity 1
In our first year linear algebra class, we were able to select a final project that incorporated the concepts we had learned that semester by teaching ourselves a new application of a specific concept and creating a research report that could be used to explain the application to our peers. I worked with another student to learn more about Harris Corner Detection, an application of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) frequently used in image stitching. Image stitching is the process of finding similar points in different images of the same scene by identifying points of greater change across the pixels and using these as flag points to match up the images. This process is used in panoramic photo algorithms. For this report my partner and I both did a lot of research into the math behind Harris Corner Detection and worked together to come up with a way to clearly explain what we had learned. I then wrote up this structure and formatted it into a report and my partner modified some sample code to actually implement this process to match up two images. Our report can be found here.